Humanitarian policy and conflict research in a non-profitable Organization which extends its activities through out the world, its foundation in Brussels and its main aim is to develop, innovate and promote strategic policy tools to concentrate on multifaceted security challenges, especially in situation of armed conflict.  The activities of the HPCR international are bound for producing an impact on policy and decision making processes on the increasing of policy oriented-research. The UNICEF which is one of the international community if faced with growing complex humanitarian crises bring about as a result of chronic conflict, impulsive and major natural disaster such as floods, Earthquakes and droughts as well as existing and potential virulent diseases.

The purpose of the UNICEFs humanitarian response is to safeguard the life of the people, alleviate misery and protection of childrens rights.  It also builds on national and international competence, is mutual and is based on best practice. The UNICEF and UN reform is co-operating with NGOs, UN and other agencies in order to develop and appliance a number of humanitarians reform initiatives.  The main aim of these initiatives is to improve predictability, efficiency and liability of the humanitarian response. UNICEF proposed to innovate the new and emerging policy debates and also to ensure it country offices in this regard.

Currently the humanitarian organizations have more developed in its service such as saving life of the people and to alleviate them from suffering and also support for the right of the people in need.  However there is complexity in the humanitarian system in order to tackle all humanitarian crises.  In the present scenario the humanitarian community should be more practical to tackle and to manage any natural disaster through out the world.  In the year 2005 the Emergency Relief Coordinator launched a comprehensive humanitarian reform process

Around the world during numerous emergencies, humanitarian aid is being blocked, due to this most of people deprived to get, majority of them were children in anxious need of help.  Access is frequently refused due to assumption as contrary to the political and military objectives of a warning party.  All armed groups have a own responsibility in order to protect civilians as per Geneva Conventions customary humanitarian law accordingly.  Moreover as per international protection and assistance, victims and displaced persons are also entitled (Unicef n.d).

An earthquake struck off on 27th February 2010 in Central Chile at the depth of 22 miles which was second largest ever recorded in Chile and fifth largest recorded worldwide since 1900. The official death toll is 507 according Ministry of the Interior Chile, about 200,000 homes have been badly smashed or destroyed.  Chilean government started relief process and harmonization assistance. After several efforts the international humanitarian relief operation was limited, additional request from government for assistance.  On the request of President Barack Obama on 27th February 2010 announced to extend the help USA for the recovery of earthquake rescue, US Department of Defense could not assist up to the mark. The level of US assistance is policy issues of potential assistance.  

There are two contradictions to understand the role of humanitarian NGOs challenge in humanitarian international relations. There are influential - non-state actors and autonomous, in order to pursuit their own-driven agendas or will they serve only as paid agent of national government, offering a service delivery function. Abby Stoddard offer a new  one that though humanitarian NGOs are dependent due to their funding can control state policy formation, but not in the manner of  interest-based advocacy group.
The humanitarian community works for helping the people who will be in danger or who will acquire any help. In present days, there are millions of people recognized who were seek for their endurance. Nearly one billion people bothered by starvation. Many children die from ailments. Lot of women and girls faced assaults by sexual aggression. Tens of millions of people were thrown out from homes because of some divergence and catastrophe. The humanitarian community works for all these type of people (Global Issues 2008).

 Most of poor people live in rural areas. They depend on agriculture and its relating. The developing countries are mostly based on agriculture. The UN system takes many actions to help the developing countries in agriculture by some organizations like Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programe (WFP) and some projects and financial agricultural development programs (Global Issues 2009).
International trade helps very much for agricultural trade liberalization. The FAO also takes and improve the projects for reducing the agricultural shortage of developing countries and it hopes that the agricultural production will increase considerably by the period of 2030. The report also refers that for this development it is necessary that is the abolition of export subsidies of agricultural goods in both developing and developed countries (Highbeam 2002). 
The United Nations FAO says that the biotechnology in agriculture shows most harmful impact on poor farmers in developing countries.  And FAO also warned about the over dependence of agriculture improvement on the heritably customized organisms by using of this biotechnologies. But Mr.Traore notified the FAO sponsored conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing countries the biotechnologies however dont show any significant impact of people who lives in developing countries (UN News Center 2010).   
UN also gathered experts and their suggestions for strengthen agriculture in developing countries. The United Nations agency endorses business to finding ways to investment and technology transfers among the developing countries with the name South-South cooperation. According to United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report in recent years the agricultural production and development has been neglected (UN News Center 2009).
In 2007, World Food Programme (WFP) bought from 69 developing countries 80 of food globally at 612 million under the Purchase for Progress (P4P) programme. By approving of 258 million fund by the Executive Board of the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 16 developing countries receive major boost (UN News Center 2008).
 With helping of combined efforts of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International.
The United Nations International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) calls for investment in agriculture to help the poor in developing countries in a meeting. The attendees of that meeting suggest that through micro-credit programmes and researches can also take efforts to reduce the transport costs, for increasing productivity. IFAD President Lennart Bge pleads for more investments in agriculture (UN News Center 2008).

According to a report of World agriculture towards 20152030 instigated by  FAO of UN  by the year 2030 we could have the enough food for growing population globally, but still in developing countries undergo from starving because of the serious position of agriculture. Even these programmes were developed for farming there is only 3 of all global aid is aimed towards agricultural.

Though waning of outside aid the agricultural trade is low at all times. John Shaw wrote in his book Global Food and Agricultural Institutions that the negligence of government and investors in agriculture in developing countries is cause for the food crisis of 2007. The agricultural productivity is weak in Asian countries also, but not only Africa. Even if there are so many organizations and programmes for development in agriculture such as Food and Agriculture Organization, The World Food Programmes, The World Bank, The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, USAID, US Foundations, The International Fund for Agricultural Development and Land Grand Universities, with some complexity issues in agriculture and other sectors like Lack of water sources by climate change and waning farm size by developing other sectors still the developing countries endured by poverty.

For achieving broad based growth, the farming development is necessary to developing countries. Overall,
Short-term policies, international organizations advices, investments in agriculture are most necessary to achieve the agricultural development. These will help to developing for its continuous increment in production. The third of the worlds human race is directly reliant on cultivation. The present inclinations towards mutual and vertical aid hold back aid efficiency. Consequently the outcomes are not attained. So international Organizations harmonize with each other and increase useful mutual aid among them to facilitate long-term investment in developing countries cultivation and to reduce antagonism among them (Institute Of Development Studies 2009). 

International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD) was establishedin 1977, is a special agency of united nation. In 1974,World Food Conference is one of the major for IFAD. In developed countries IFAD is dedicated to rural poverty. IFAD have its headquarters in Rome.

The conference found that the struggle for food insecurity and famine is due to structural problems which relate to poverty. The dedication of IFAD is to develop the indigenous peoples due to its targeted approach to rural development and also in eradicating poverty in rural areas of developing countries. The focuses of IFAD is increasing rural people access to financial services, market technology etc. the shocking fact is that 75 of the worlds poorest people depend on agriculture who live in rural areas which is about 1.05 billion people of the world(Ifad n.d).

It works with poor ruralpeopleto develop theopportunities in their own communities. In rural areas the majority of poor people will live for at least 30 years. They work with national partners to design and implement innovative programmes and national policies and systems as well as. They enable poor rural people to access the assets services and opportunities.They need overcome poverty. They help in knowledge, skills and organizations. So that they have their own influence and development will affect their lives.     IFAD convoluted on the statement of poverty reduction is not only based on governments, non-governments and institutions and organizations. It is possible by all of their partnership work (Ifad 2003).

They tested new and innovative approaches to reducing poverty. They share their knowledge and work with other countries to scale up successful approaches. IFAD international fund for agricultural development is established to develop the agriculture by giving funds. IFAD was organized to improve the quality of the life of poor individuals who live in rural areas.  

Objective of IFAD
The object of the IFAD is that poor in rural areas should have better access to skills and organizations which they need to approach for advantages these includes in case of
 Natural resources, the peoples to access to land and water and the usage of natural resource management in case of agriculture as the poor people of rural are dependant on agriculture for their livelihood.
The technologies used by the people of rural areas should be of improved one and production from agriculture should be high.

Direct and competitive markets for agricultural inputs and produce.
The financial services provided to agriculture should reach the people accurately and in a correct time.
 Opportunities for rural off-farm employment.
 Effective policies should be introduced in both local and national level to   achieve good result in agriculture.
 enabling the poor to strengthen and develop their own organization.
Membership of IFAD
The international fund for agricultural development consists of Executive board and President and Governing council

He or she is the chief executive officer of IFAD and chair of the Executive Board, the term of the president is for four years. The current president of IFAD is Kenya F.Nwanze. The IFAD has 165 member states and the membership in IFAD is open to any state which is a member of United Nations, or any of its specialized agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Executive board
Executive board is consisting of 18 members and 18 alternative members this board is responsible for general operations of IFAD and also for approving loans. The membership of the executive board is determined as list A which consists of primarily OECD members list B consists of OPEC members list C consist of developing countries (Ifad n.d).

Governing council
The governing council is the highest decision making authority, the membership of the executive board is arrived by governing council. The membership of the Executive Board distributed into list A which consists of eight members and eight Alternative members List B consists of four members and four alternative members List C consists of six members and six alternate members. Member votes are divided into original votes and new replenishment votes, this has been further divided each into two groups which are Membership votes and Contribution votes.
Anti corruption policy

As like a proverb just planning is of no use unless there is a proper implementation so to proper implementation of a plan corruption should by eradicated completely. The anti corruption policy is to take efforts so that development funds reach the poor people in rural areas very safely.
Activities of IFAD

A. Loans and Resources
IFAD Executive Board permit first loan project in April 1978. At the end of 1980 the funds amount reached to nearly US900 million and the loans granted to 70 developing countries.  By1983, the financial commitments exceeded by US1.4 billion. In 2002 by committing of US 7.7 billion in loans and US 31.9 billion in grants IFAD helped approximately 47 million rural poor households it equal to 257 million people.
In 1986, the Governing Council agreed on a second replenishment of IFADs resources totaling US 488 million, of which List A countries pledged US 276 million List B countries, US 184 million and List C countries, US 28 million. In 1990, the Governing Council agreed on a third replenishment. Member countries offered to provide contributions totaling US 567 million of which List A countries pledged US 378 million List B countries, US 124 million, and List C countries, US 65 million. A fourth replenishment, totaling US 470 million, began in February 1997. Of this, US 419 million was pledged as of 9 December 1999. A fifth replenishment, totaling US 473 million, covered the period 200103. Over the IFAD V period, donor contributions covered 46 of IFADs total resource needs, and the rest were met through reflows from past loans (49) and investment income (5). A seventh replenishment was being prepared in 2005.
B. Lending Policies and Operations

IFAD loan operations fall into two groups projects initiated by the fund and projects co-financed with other financial and development institutions. IFAD-initiated projects are those for which the fund has taken the lead in project identification and preparation and in mobilizing additional resources from other financial agencies where necessary.

Most of IFADs assistance has been provided on highly concessional termsloans repayable over 50 years with a 10-year grace period and an annual service charge of 1.

The loans are repayable over 20 years at 4 annual interest, while a few have been offered at 8 over 1518 years. However, at its 17th session of January 1994, the Governing Council adopted a resolution which amended the lending terms and conditions for the first time since the funds establishment.

In the future, those developing members countries having a Gross National Product (GNP) per capita of US 805 or less in 1992 prices, or which qualify for loans from the World Banks soft loan agency, the International Development Association, will normally be eligible to receive loans from IFAD on highly concessional terms. Loans on highly concessional terms will be free of interest but will bear a service charge of 0.75 per annum and have a repayment period of 40 years, including a grace period of 10 years. The total amount of loans provided each year on highly concessional terms will be IFAD, while seeking to preserve an appropriate balance in its regional allocations, also has attempted to respond to the special needs of the 74 low-income, food-deficit countries. Well over 80 of the funds loans were channeled to these countries in the 197895 periods. The regional shares of IFAD-supported projects approved among197895 under both regular and special programs were Africa (sub-Sahara), 41 Asia and the Pacific, 26 Latin America and the Caribbean, 16 and Near East and North Africa, 16.4.

In January 1986, IFAD, as the first international financial institution to respond to the socioeconomic crisis in sub-Saharan Africa, in the wake of the disastrous droughts and famines of 198385, launched the Special Programme for Sub-Saharan African Countries Affected by Drought and Desertification (SPA), with a target for resource mobilization of US 300 million. This target was outrun by contributions reaching US 322.8 million from five developing countries and the European Community.

The program aims to restore the productive capacity of small farmers, promote traditional food crops mainly grown by small-holders, and initiate small-scale water control schemes, in addition to recommending measures for environmental protection and providing assistance to governments in regard to policy.

C. Technical Assistance
IFAD also offers financial support for technical assistance in agricultural research, any project preparation, and developments of institutions and in other activities (HighBeam Research 2007).
There are some defects in IFAD procedures like funded programme or projects, its irrespective size and especially the loan approving risk of lapse-of-time produce. So it is necessary to reducing these risks by IFAD (IFAD 2009).

The Humanitarian Response Review tends to consider to those factors which drawback its speed and effectiveness of humanitarian response in the earlier period.  The recommendations presented in the report identified clearly and also addressed the need of promote.
System improvement shared plan action within a short time. Comprehensive vision of necessary reforms.
Responsibility in especially towards people in need.
Co-operation within and between the Red CrossRed Crescent Movement, the UN system and NGOs.

There is a need that the developing countries must take the actions themselves to get improvement in agriculture by the necessity and confront of poverty. These countries also required domestic political obligations to agriculture. They require intend and transport services dependable with their own institutional authenticity, so there is a requirement for long-term steady investments. So there is an emerging of Humanitarian activities development. Even IFAD provides maximum facilities to developing there is requirement of further better activities.


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